A very exciting event on Arbitration and Mediation in Oil and Gas Industry is organised by The City Law School Oil and Gas Law Research Group (OGLRG) and supported by the Greek Energy Forum.
Karen Maxwell (Barrister, 20 Essex Street)
Karen practises in shipping, sale of goods, international trade, banking, private international law, arbitration and insurance. After being called to the Bar, Karen practised at 20 Essex Street where she developed a commercial law practice, appearing before the High Court, Court of Appeal, House of Lords and in various arbitral proceedings including LMAA, LCIA, UNCITRAL and ICC. She then spent time at Practical Law Company establishing and leading Practical Law Arbitration before returning to the Bar. Karen will talk about "Obstacles to Enforcement of Arbitral Awards” with case studies based on reported arbitrations.
Anthony Connerty (Barrister, Idrgroup)
Barrister in practice at Chambers in London. Anthony has been appointed and acted in international arbitrations and mediations in Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Lagos, London, New York, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm and Washington. Anthony is also a member of the Energy Arbitrators’ List of the ICDR (the international section of the American Arbitration Association), and member of various Middle East arbitration panels: Abu Dhabi, Cairo, Dubai and Tehran. While appointed as arbitrator and mediator in oil-related disputes, Anthony is actively involved in the industry and has been speaker at conferences on oil disputes, in particular in relation to dispute resolution: London, Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Shanghai. This time, Anthony’s topic is "The Use of Mediation in the Resolution of Oil Disputes”.
Chair: Anthony Rogers (Senior Lecturer in Maritime and Energy Law, The City Law School, London and Piraeus)
Anthony is the Course Director of the LLM in Maritime Law - an innovative scheme of study whereby City Law School LLM modules are offered in Piraeus, Greece. He also teaches commercial law at both LLB and LLM level.Before embarking on his academic career Anthony worked as an in-house legal advisor for several companies including those with: ship owning, ship broking and bunker trading interests and companies providing small ticket asset finance.In addition to his work at the School, Anthony is an approved expert for the United States Aid Agency and is the Director of the Barcelona International Summer School in Maritime Law.
Supported by Globe Law and Business Ltd
Attendance is free, but please register to help us prepare for the wine reception following the seminar.