The Iranian energy sector, once again, is occupying center stage in the global media. The impression generated is of a big bonanza awaiting zealous international investors.
It would be hard to overstate Iran’s oil and gas potential. Iran has world class assets, including some of the world’s largest oil and gas fields. However, the presence of significant reserves below ground is not a prerequisite for successful exploitation. Above ground factors weigh as much as geological and technical risk and in Iran they are sizeable.
Against this background, our partner, Access for Women in Energy is organising an event on the investment climate in Iran with a special focus on the oil and gas industry. The comprehensive debate will address the political, economic, legal and social conditions in Iran and which will shape any foreign investment decision.
Speakers include:
- Lord Lamont of Lerwick, Chairman of the British Iranian Chamber of Commerce and a Member of the Advisory Board of the Iran Heritage Foundation
- Alia Moubayed, Senior Economist
- George Booth, Head of the Cross–Sector Iran Practice of Pinsent Masons
- Ava Zadkhorvash, Senior Member of Pinsent Masons’ Iran Team
The discussion will be chaired by Dr Carole Nakhle, Director of Crystol Energy and of Access for Women in Energy.
Networking over drinks and light refreshments will follow.
The event is supported by Pathfinder and hosted by Pinsent Masons at their London office.
For speakers’ bio and venue details click here.
To register, RSVP to by Wednesday 1 February 2017.