Reload Greece is developing a complete educational journey for Reloaders comprised by a series of MeetU@Reload events, followed by a Bootcamp in Greece and a Dragon's Den event where the best ideas generated through this process will have the chance to be presented in front of investors!
From experience, the Reload Team has seen that the best ideas come from small personalised meet-ups!
- Do you have an idea that is at an early stage and needs support and feedback?
- Do you want to find out more about how entreprneurs have succeeded in their journeys and see if you have what it takes to become one of them?
- Do you want to be part of an evergrowing community of Reloaders?
Join them at their next MeetU@Reload! A safe environment open for you to exchange your thoughts and opinions, learn from the best and connect with one another .
The format
A half-day event with an innovative format -- part mini-conference and part informal workshop -- during which Reloaders are guided to discuss and advance their projects. Projects range from brand new to ongoing and from for-profit to social enterprises. If you don't have an idea, don't fear.. you will be able to join any group and contribute by giving your ideas and feedback!
Event Breakdown
12.00-12.30: Registration
12.30-12.45: Intoduction to the day
12.45-13.15: Dimitris Koutsolioutsos - Farmers Republic
13:15-13:45: Andrea Demichelis - Elliot for Water
13.45-14.30: Lunch Break
14.30-15.00: Alex Christodoulou - Weengs
15.00-15.30: 'Your Voice'*
15.30-17.30: Breakout Sessions**
17.30-18.00: Wrap up
*'Your Voice' section is your time to shine! If you have an idea that you would like to share please send an email at by the 1st of December and you will be able to present it during that time.
**Breakout sessions: the most popular ideas from the 'Your Voice' section will breakout into rooms with mentors and members of the audience to discuss and give feedback.
What will you gain?
- Insight & advice from our incredible line up of speakers.
- Access to expertise from top mentors working for companies like Microsoft.
- Tap into a unique innovative and driven network of like minded people.