The digital revolution has long since entered every sphere of modern existence, and the oil and gas sector is no exception. Powerful new technologies have upgraded or overtaken old ones, opening out possibilities, efficiencies and opportunities, barely imaginable a few decades ago. The entire hydrocarbons industry, like many others, is adapting and innovating at a breath-taking rate. But what does this mean to employment – whether for the existing workforce or for graduates who are contemplating a career in the sector?
Access for Women in Energy (AccessWIE) is organising a seminar to discuss the impact of digitalization on employment in the oil and gas industry on Thursday 11 October 2018. The event will be kindly hosted by S&P Global Platts at their offices in 20 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LH.
The discussion will start at 18:30 and is expected to last for an hour. Networking over drinks and light refreshments will follow.
We are delighted to be able to offer spaces to GEF members to this event by our partner organisation AccessWIE which always aims to have a gender balanced representation in all events. To register, RSVP to by Monday 8 October 2018.