As the world is gathering pace after the COP 22 in Marrakesh (7-18 November 2016), it is crucial to take a look on the implications for the energy market as a whole in order to understand the risks but also the opportunities that these developments will bring to the producers, investors but also the consumers of energy.
This event, titled 'Trends and Opportunities Under a Sustainable Future' is going to feature a panel of three very exciting speakers:
- Yanos Michopoulos
- Antonios Panagiotopoulos
- Loukas Botsis
who are going to run a discussion on the main drivers of sustainability and how these are shaped by the most recent developments, from very different perspectives. Please use the link to register your attendance (the event will be free and open).
The event will be followed by Christmas drinks!
Speaker Bios
Yanos Michopoulos
Yanos has more than 25 years of international experience, covering both the private and the public sectors in Energy (including Renewables), Private Equity, Industry & Transportation. He studied Physics first at Athens University, Greece (BSc) and then at Durham University, UK (PhD). After a spell as a University Professor in the UK and Austria, he worked for 18-years at Shell International in various positions of increased seniority at global and regional levels. His last job in Shell was a member of the global leadership team of Shell Marine Products (which is based in Singapore) and a regional General Manager responsible for Med, Middle East, Africa and South Asia (annual turn-over > 1 bl USD, 350 members of staff across 26 countries). He left in 2008 to become CEO of the only Rail Operator in Greece, TRAINOSE.
More recently, Yanos worked for Vestas, the No 1 Wind Turbine Manufacturer, as Vice President and member of 2 regional leadership teams (based in Madrid and Hamburg). He was the Regional General Manager responsible for East Med (based in Athens), as well as the Regional VP for Business Development in Central, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Africa (based in Hamburg). Currently he works as a Management Consultant, Advisor to various Private Equity funds and guest MBA / Exec Ed speaker at various Business Schools in the UK, Europe and USA.
Antonios Panagiotopoulos
Antonis is a Senior associate for MSCI and a member of the Greek energy Forum's managing committee. Currently Antonis is the oil and gas lead for MSCI's ESG Research. Before his role with MSCI Antonis has worked in the refining, petrochemical and shipping sectors in various positions in London and in Houston. He holds a masters in energy trade and finance and a bachelors degree in international relations and law from the university of the Aegean.
Loukas Botsis
Loukas works for EDF Energy’s Corporate Strategy team performing scenario analysis and modelling of the GB wholesale market with the aim to understand how regulation, policy and technological changes would affect the power market in the medium to long term future. He has previously worked for Engie’s Industrial Energy Services looking into design and implementation of energy efficiency and decentralized generation solutions for UK industrial consumers.