IMO 2020 will soon mark a key milestone for international shipping, with the implementation of a global sulphur emissions cap of 0.5%, as adopted in October 2016.
The event will be focusing on the transition that will be required from the shipping industry, in light of the upcoming IMO 2020, as well as the long-term CO2 targets of IMO 2030 and 2050.
Looking beyond the options of a shorter-term horizon, the panel of our distinguished guests will present and discuss the alternative solutions that will propel the shipping industry to its future, through the adoption of new technologies, operational efficiencies and a more environmentally friendly fuel mix.
- Jean-Christian Heintz, Head of LNG Broking at SCB Group
- George Plevrakis, Global Business Development Manager, ABS
- Tristan Smith, Reader in Energy & Shipping, UCL
- Antonis Trakakis, Chief Technology Officer, Forward Ships/Arista Shipping
The panel will be moderated by Jack Jordan, Editorial Lead at S&P Global Platts.
Introduction & Welcome Remarks: Nicolas Trikeriotis - Greek Energy Forum
Some of the key questions the panel of experts will address are:
- What are these alternative fuel types?
- What is the role of LNG?
- Which of these can be used now and which ones are still being developed or optimised?
- What steps will be required to expand their availability and scale?
- What is the role of classification societies in this process?
- What are the prospects for renewable fuels and how will the energy mix evolve towards compliance with the CO2 targets of 2030 & 2050?
> The event is kindly hosted by Cass Business School and sponsored by the Cass Energy & Commodities Club and the Cass Shipping Society.