With the recent surge in prices across energy commodities and daily talk of an energy crisis looming this winter, this event will shed light on why we have reached this point, how energy market dynamics work, especially in gas and power and what may lie ahead in the coming months.
We will be joined by two industry experts who will share their market insights from their respective positions:
Loukas Botsis is Senior Commercial Manager (Energy) with USwitch, with past positions at Engie, EDF Energy and Centrica, and an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures from Imperial College London
Dimitris Saratzis is a Senior Trading Analyst (Continental Gas & power) with Centrica, with past positions at Thomson Reuters and Refinitiv, and an MSc in Energy, Trade & Finance from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass).
Moderator: Michael Tamvalis, Professor of Commodity Economics & Finance, Bayes Business School.
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Meeting ID: 874 9219 0534
Passcode: 447283
This event is organised jointly by the Greek Energy Forum and the Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping, Trade & Finance.