
Natural Gas How urgent it is for Europe to play an active role in the stability and prosperity of the Mediterranean region? We are most pleased to invite you to participate in an evening of discussion on the role of Europe in the stability and prosperity of the Mediterranean region.
Generic MeetU@Reload Reload Greece is developing a complete educational journey for Reloaders comprised by a series of MeetU@Reload events, followed by a Bootcamp in Greece and a Dragon's Den event where the best ideas...
London Business School - Global Energy Summit The Global Energy Summit is London Business School Energy Club’s annual flagship event, providing an unrivaled forum for political, academic and business thought-leaders to explore and debate their...
Oil Downstream 101 Series From Crude Oil to Products The operating landscape of refining has been presented with a new set of challenges over the last few years. Rising competition, expansion of refineries into developing countries, changing demand,...
Natural Gas LNG: A New Dimension in the Global Energy Market and the Shipping Industry The Greek Energy Forum (GEF) is very pleased to announce this shipping focused event on LNG: A New Dimension in the Global Energy Market and the Shipping Industry.
Generic GEF Brussels Summer Drinks - Invitation The management committee of Greek Energy Forum along with its GEF Brussels branch would be delighted to invite you at our GEF Summer drinks on Wednesday, 5th of August at the Coco Eat & Drink bar,...
Generic GEF London Summer Drinks - Invitation The management committee of the Greek Energy Forum (GEF), along with its GEF London branches would be delighted to invite you at our GEF Summer drinks.
Energy and Geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean and Greece While the European Union is re-evaluating its energy plans for the years ahead, it is facing a major challenge in its relations with Russia, one of its key energy suppliers.
ENI after 6 ENI is pleased to invite you to discuss the potential of the Mediterranean region in fostering EU’s security of supply.


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All individuals involved in the Greek Energy Forum are serving under their personal capacity. The analysis and opinions they express through the Forum are their own and do not reflect the view of their respective employers.
All individuals involved in the Greek Energy Forum - including the Management Committee, Focus Group Heads/Deputy Heads, Steering Committee, as well as standard members - are serving in their personal capacity.
The analysis and opinions they express through the Greek Energy Forum are their own and do not reflect the view of their respective employers.