Publications - Opinions

The energy map of the Balkans - with Michalis Mathioulakis In this podcast, Michalis Mathioulakis, Academic Director of the GEF, discusses the energy map of the Balkans, the role played by the US and Russia, the battle for the Southeast European market and...
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to economies, industries and individuals around the world. In the new initiative pursued by AccessWIE, a partner to GEF, Angelos...
Tensions running high between Greece and Turkey over the latter’s drilling activities in East Mediterranean In an interview to The National, Dr Carole Nakhle, Director of Access for Women in Energy - a partner organisation to Greek Energy Forum, comments on the recent rising tensions between Greece and...
Hydrocarbon exploration in Greece: A tale of a missed opportunity? Hydrocarbon activity spans more than a century in Greece; yet the country remains one of the least explored nations in the East Mediterranean region.
Eastern Mediterranean gas outlook gets murkier When the first gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean were made more than a decade ago, many commentators expected the area to become an energy hub. However, market conditions have become worse...
Ο Κυπριακός Όμιλος εταιρειών EDT Group κλείνει 40 χρόνια Ο Κυπριακός ‘Ομιλος εταιρειών EDT Group κλείνει φέτος 40 χρόνια συνεχούς και αδιάλειπτης δραστηριότητας στον χώρο της Ναυτιλιακής Υποστήριξης της βιομηχανίας εξόρυξης υδρογονανθράκων, παράκτιων...
Natural gas in Greece: The bridge to decarbonisation Given the time it takes to build up new renewables and with the increasing penetration of renewables creating a greater volatility due to the lack of a stable and predictable production, natural gas...
Are you ready to influence – 5 points to check yourself It’s a “VUCA” world: “Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous”.


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