
"Energy Crisis": Why, How and What's next? The event will feature a discussion focused on the current energy crisis. What got us here, what does it mean for today and for the future.
Oil Industry Decarbonization Focused Series: Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Tullow Oil, on their plans to decarbonize and the challenges and opportunities they face as they embark on this journey.
Generic GEF Athens Summer Drinks The GEF Athens team is very excited to invite you to a drinks event at the Athens Capital Center Hotel.
Renewables Challenges and Opportunities in Decarbonising the Greek Energy Grid Join the GEF in this exciting event on the challenges and opportunities in decarbonising the Greek energy grid
All Athens Energy Dialogues 2021 The Greek Energy Forum has the pleasure to co-host the Athens Energy Dialogues taking place on 17-18 February 2021.


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All individuals involved in the Greek Energy Forum are serving under their personal capacity. The analysis and opinions they express through the Forum are their own and do not reflect the view of their respective employers.
All individuals involved in the Greek Energy Forum - including the Management Committee, Focus Group Heads/Deputy Heads, Steering Committee, as well as standard members - are serving in their personal capacity.
The analysis and opinions they express through the Greek Energy Forum are their own and do not reflect the view of their respective employers.